Tuesday 1 March 2016

Early Brimstone, fungi and lichen

Brimstone, Gonepteryx rhamni
On February 7th I joined Neil Hulme on a "Fritillaries for the Future" conservation work party at Rewell Wood. We cleared wood by a ride to allow Wood Violets to grow, the food plant of the Pearl-bordered Fritillary. We have to keep a mosaic of woodland at different stages of growth on  4/5 year cycle. This will allow the Pearls to maintain a healthy population. Paul Day spotted a Brimstone, my first identifiable butterfly of the year. It hid at the base of a plant, and Neil later whispered it to the top of the plant for some ambient light photos. I found my first specimen of Yellowing Curtain Crust fungus if I have identified it correctly.
On February 9th I visited Fairmile Bottom and found an unidentified mushroom and 3 species of lichen. Finally I called in at Arundel WWT.
Rewell Wood:
Brimstone hiding
"I can see you" from another angle
Work party
tiny fungi need id
Yellowing Curtain Crust, Stereum subtomentosum
Yellowing Curtain Crust
Fairmile Bottom:
mushroom needing id, 35mm tall
lichen on left: Pertusaria hymenea; Common Greenshield, (Flavoparmelia caperata) on right
Oakmoss lichen, Evernia prunastri
Arundel WWT:
Canada Goose, Branta canadensis just landed

Greylag Goose, Anser anser

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