Wednesday 6 May 2015

Comfrey Ermel, Brimstones & Longhorns

Comfrey Ermel, Ethmia quadrillella
On Monday I returned to Rewell Wood and saw Pearl-bordered Fritillaries, a Green Tiger Beetle, an Orange-tip, Brimstones and Green-veined Whites. Plenty of Green Longhorns were waving their antennae on Wood Spurge. I also found Vetch Piercers.
  I was disappointed when  I looked for the Orange-tip egg on the Cuckoo Flowers from the previous day. There was no sign of the flowers and I conclude that a thoughtful walker had picked them: “they’ll look pretty in a vase”. These were the only specimens in the area.

  Later I found more Moth Flies doing their leaf dance on Salix in the Arundel WWT car park. I returned yesterday and found a Comfrey Ermel micro-moth. This striking black and white moth has been found along the south coast in recent  years. I also found an unusual patterned larva of a Mottled Umber moth which appears to be forming a 'house' from a Salix leaf. An immature male Blue-tailed Damselfly rested on a twig.
Brimstone, Gonepteryx rhamni
Bluebells, Hyacinthoides non-scripta
Brimstone on Bugle
Crab Spider, Misumena vatia with hoverfly
larva 30mm long, id needed

male Green Longhorn, Adela reaumurella

Green Tiger Beetle, Cicindela campestris
Green-veined White, Pieris napi on Bugle
Lesser Treble-bar, Aplocera efformata
Orange-tip, Anthocharis cardamines
Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Boloria euphrosyne
Pearl-bordered Fritillary on Bugle

slug - id needed
Vetch Piercer, Grapholita jungiella
Arundel WWT:
Brown Willow Beetle, Galerucella lineola
Brown Willow Beetle
Brown Willow Beetle eggs
Cucumber Green Spider, Araniella cucurbitina
Cucumber Green Spider
Moth Fly, Pericoma species
Moth Fly
Mottled Umber larva, Erannis defoliaria
Alderfly, Sialis lutaria
immature male Blue-tailed Damselfly, Ischnura elegans
Comfrey Ermel, Ethmia quadrillella
Common Carder Bumblebee, Bombus Pascuorum on White Dead Nettle
Common Carder Bumblebee on Comfrey
Common Winter Cress, Barbarea vulgaris
Common Winter Cress
Crab Spider, Xysticus cristatus
Cranefly - id needed
Cuckoo Bee, Nomada ruficornis
Hoverflies mating, Eristalis pertinax
Hoverfly, Eristalis pertinax

Hoverfly, Helophilus pendulus
Nettle Clustercup Rust, Puccinia caricina
Rove beetle, Paederus species
Slender Ground-hopper, Tetrix subulata
Soldier beetle, Cantharis pellucida
female St. Mark's Fly, Bibio marci
Stilt Fly, Neria cibaria
Sulphur Tuft, Hypholoma fasciculare
White-lipped Snail, Cepaea hortensis
Yellow Dung Fly, Scatophaga stercoraria

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