Tuesday 5 March 2013

Mandarin moment

male Mandarin Duck, Aix galericulata
On Friday I made my annual pilgrimage to the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition at the London Natural History Museum. As usual it inspired me and for a change I agreed with the winner, Emperor Penguins underwater. My favourite was of two penguins on an ice ledge, one of which was in the air having just leaped from the water. It should have been People’s Choice judging by the fact that the postcards had sold out. Other wonderful polar scenes were these two photos of polar bears on ice floes: one was shot witha fish-eye lens and brilliantly summed up global warming and the plight of the bear, the other was another ice flow shot
As usual the youngsters exhibited some of the best shots, many by UK photographers. The red kite with a jet plane was inspired. Bittern in winter at London WWT was well seen. Al the photos can be seen here: http://bit.ly/15YdN

On Saturday I watched a heron fishing at Arundel WWT.
Common Pochard, Aythya Ferina
Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea
Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea
On Sunday my detecting club had a dig and I found a piece of trench art consisting of decorated copper welded to a bullet, a modern brass ¼ ounce weight, 3 Georgian halfpennies, a thimble and some buttons. Others found a Celtic coin and some hammered. On the way home I stopped at Arundel WWT and saw the Kingfisher 5 times in two hours, but never close enough for a decent shot.
Trench art (11.5cm), weight, thimble, button
On Monday I attended a great Winter Wildfowl photography course: http://www.robertcanis.com/photography-workshop-winter-wildfowl-arundel.php
I took over 2000 pics so it will take some time to process these. The Kingfisher appeared twice during 20 minutes at the end of the day.

Today I visited Arundel WWT and while I was waiting for the Kingfisher  I had a great show from a Mandarin Duck instead.

female Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos
Mandarin Duck, Aix galericulata

male & female Mandarin Duck
Mute Swan, Cygnus olor
Red-breasted Goose, Branta Ruficollis
Red-breasted Geese, Branta Ruficollis
Pheasants, Phasianus colchicus by Mill Road

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