Tuesday 20 March 2012

Tropical delights at Earnley

Heliconius hortense, Mexican Longwing
Yesterday morning I joined Mark and Susie at the Earnley Butterfly exhibit near Chichester. It was on a completely different scale from Wisley and was a more enjoyable experience. It was housed in one modest sized greenhouse and there were few people around which made it much easier to take photos. There were plenty of butterflies around of varying condition, but enough good ones to make it a very worthwhile outing. There is also a small zoo with a reptile house, birds and mammals to make an enjoyable outing for children. Plus a cafe where we enjoyed tea and coffee. Afterwards I visited Brandy Hole Copse nature reserve where I had my lunch by the pond. As expected there was plenty of frog spawn around.
Archaeoprepona demophon, One-spotted Prepona
Archaeoprepona demophon, One-spotted Prepona
Ariadne ariadne, Angled Castor
Colobura dirce, Zebra Mosaic
Dryas julia, Julia Longwing
Hamadryas feronia, Variable Cracker
Lycorea cleobaea or Lycorea halia, Tiger-Mimic Queen
Lycorea cleobaea or Lycorea halia, Tiger-Mimic Queen
Lycorea cleobaea or Lycorea halia, Tiger-Mimic Queen
Heliconius hortense, Mexican Longwing
Heliconius sara, Sara Longwing
Heliconius sara, Sara Longwing
Heliconius sara, Sara Longwing
Hypolimnas bolina, Eggfly female
Hypolimnas bolina, Eggfly female
Ideopsis juventa, Wood Nymph or Gray Glassy Tiger
Morpho peleides, Blue Morpho
Nessaea aglaura, Common Olivewing
Nessaea aglaura, Common Olivewing
Nessaea aglaura, Common Olivewing
Papilio palinurus, Emerald Swallowtail
Papilio palinurus, Emerald Swallowtail
Papilio polytes, Common Mormon female
Papilio polytes, Common Mormon male
Parthenos sylvia, Clipper
Phoebis philea, Orange-barred Sulphur
Phoebis philea, Orange-barred Sulphur
Phoebis philea, Orange-barred Sulphur
Phoebis philea, Orange-barred Sulphur
Phoebis philea, Orange-barred Sulphur
Phoebis philea, Orange-barred Sulphur
Chinese Water Dragon, Physignathus cocincinus
Yellow bellied slider, Trachemys scripta scripta
Bearded dragon, Pogona vitticeps
Ornate Nile Monitor, Varanus niloticus ornatu
Brandy Hole Copse nature reserve:
Grey Squirrel
Frog spawn
Frog spawn

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