Thursday 3 December 2009

Lankan, Maagiri and Faru Outer

The heron was fishing by the sunset bar on the last night of the main group. They left by the early morning Qatar and Emirates flights. That leaves Adel, Abdulla, Keith and myself.

Abdulla in photo mode with Bluestripe Snappers

Lankan Reef had little current so we were lucky to glimpse one Manta in the distance. Shots included a shoal of Bluestripe Snappers, a yellow Cornetfish, Empress Angel Fish, a red jeuvenile Blackside Hawkfish and a shoal of Collared Butterfly Fish.

Maagiri provided jeuveniles of an Imperial Angelfish and a Flouder, a Grouper and a Fanworm.

The afternoon dive at Faru Outer was an eel dive, including some Honeycomb Morays with their blue Cleaner wrasse and Turtles.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Colin - we are back home. Weather is cool and overcast. Enjoyed your blog photos. You have some great pics. Just getting around to downloading mine now. Enjoy sundowners tonight. Sheryl


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